Friday, September 30, 2011

Fitness, Fitness, Fitness....{any advice for me??}

That's what's sort of been on my mind, or the lack there of maybe...haha. It's been a wild and crazy couple weeks.  Just the normal happenings of life and other adventures in life that seem to happen.  I'm just getting over a cold, my voice is still gone, last week my oldest daughter dislocated & broke her arm.  It was bad and required surgery to have a pin put in.  So, that whole week went out the window, I was busy taking care of her and at the ER and then back to the hospital for a couple days.
 I think I'm totally an emotional eater.  When I'm stressed or sad, I eat.  When I'm bored... I eat. People brought us food and treats over...... and I ate. :) I wasn't able to get my regular exercise in and then a couple of my other kids started getting sick and then I got sick, so we sat at home on the couch...... and ate. :( And got no exercise.  It's just life right! It happens.  Now the hard part is getting back into a Healthy Lifestyle and routine.  But, it's sort of depressing to go from really feeling pretty good about your body, or course there is more toning that I would have liked to see happen.  But, felt good in my clothes and didn't worry about what to wear.  I was feeling good.  Then, to go to gaining 5 or so pounds from a hectic couple weeks is sort of depressing, when your jeans are getting tight in a matter of 2 weeks. Yikes!! My husband was also doing great and getting up at 4:30 every morning and running everyday!  Then he got sick too!! :( 
Do you ever go through cycles like this? How do you get back into it?? It's funny how fast your confidence can change!! Is fitness on your mind?  I always feel like I need a plan of action, do you have a plan of action for your Health & fitness??? Or any tips for me on a "plan of action" to take to get back into it??

6 Comment Luv:

Elle said...[Reply]

Yes, it is overwhelming sometimes, isnt' it? I am amazed at how quickly things can go sideways.

What I do to get back on track is sit down and write out a couple of goals - thinkg I can TODAY.

ie. get some fresh veggies and fruit in the fridge
go for a walk
spend 10 minutes with my dumbbells
drink some water

Start out small and build on. My favorite motto is Progress not Perfection.

good luck - I wish you well.

jillconyers said...[Reply]

I've been lucky to not have fallen into this cycle for quite some time. When I did it was amazing, like you said, how quickly I started not liking myself. I have found what works for me and I notice immediately when things are a little off then it's not so overwhelming to get back on track. By no means am I saying it's all perfect but I'm in a better place with "me" than I've ever been. OK. SO, was all that rambling any help LOL

You're already ahead of the game because you know what works and what you need to do. Hang in there. You'll get back to where you want to be.

I'd love it if I could get Chad up at 4:30 to run with me!

EatDrinkBeRunning said...[Reply]

I think first you have to take care of you and yours and make sure you are totally ready to get back and focus on fitness. I go through this from time to time, when life just gets in the way. All you can do is what you can do. It's hard to make up for lost time, just try to seek out opportunities to exercise whenever possible and try to make healthy choices at all times when it comes to food. I had to start running in the morning before dawn for several months because that was the only time that worked for me. You will be back in the saddle in no time! Fitness on the brain is the first step! :)

MonicaB said...[Reply]

I'm struggling to get back into my fitness routine because I routine changed with school. I'm having a hard time fitting it in, so I know what you mean about things getting off track. I'm just making small changes and trying different things to see what will work in the long term. You know what needs to be done and that's the first step to getting back.You can do it!

Kyria @ Travel Spot said...[Reply]

I think first you have to get over this cold and then start taking baby steps to get back into fitness. Just make sure that you have healthy foods around you and little by little, incorporate exercise back into your routine. Even if it's just an after dinner walk, you will feel a lot better afterwards!

XLMIC said...[Reply]

It is so true how fast that confidence-level can plummet :( You just start back into it without comparing where you were... just accepting where you are while keeping your eye on where you want to be :)

Hope you are feeling well soon and that your daughter is healing up well :)

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